Wednesday, October 7, 2015

"2002" album introduction written by Kang Gary & sharing from Gary's sound engineer

"I prepared this album with the same mind I had while preparing for Leessang's 1st album back in 2002.At that time I didn’t have as much money, I wasn’t as famous as I am now, but comparing to that time, my thirst and lack in music had became so severe they made me excited more than ever."


Kang Gary's 2002 album introduction

After Kang Gary finished his 1st full-length album 2002 :

“I prepared this album with the same mind I had while preparing for Leessang's 1st album back in 2002.
At that time I didn’t have as much money, I wasn’t as famous as I am now, but comparing to that time,  my thirst and lack in music had became so severe they made me excited more than ever.
On the days I don’t have official schedule, I only stayed in my studio.
Changing my mind hundred times, considering which one is good, what should be done, with repeated revise, I finished my album after more than one year.
Rather than explaining each song separately, it seems letting the listeners feel the songs by themselves is better, so this time I decided to not to do the traditional stereotype songs’ explanation.
“Even if music is hard, you think it’s easy to quit it?” - the lyrics of the song “Rap” included in this album is the main motivation of this album.

Everyone fighting!

Great thanks to all of my colleagues: Koonta, Skull, Deepflow, Jay Park, DJ Pumpkin, Myung Ho hyung, Double K, Don Mills,  John Park, Young Jun, Jung In, MIWOO for participating in this album. Please love the music of these musicians too.

Kang Gary”

개리 정규앨범 [ 2002 ] 음반작업을 마무리 하며

“2002 발매했던 리쌍 1집을 준비했던 그때의 마음으로 이번 앨범 작업을 했다.
그때에 비하면 돈도 많이 벌고 유명해졌지만 음악적인 부족함과 갈망이 심해져 오히려 자신을 자극하게 만들었다.
공식적인 스케줄이 있는 날을 빼고는 작업실에만 있었다.
뭐가 좋은 건지 뭐를 해야 하는지 수백 마음이 바뀌어
넘게 수정에 수정만 거듭하며 만들었다.
직접 설명을 하는 것보다 그냥 듣는 이의 느낌대로 느껴지는 좋을 같아서 이번 앨범에는 형식적인 틀을 벗어나 특별히 설명은 하지 않기로 했다.
음악이 힘이 든다고 쉽게 관둬지나" 이번 앨범의 수록 곡인 [랩해] 라는 곡에 나오는 가사 줄이 앨범을 마무리 하는 데까지 힘이 되었다.

모두들 파이팅 하십시오!

쿤타, 스컬, 딥플로우, 박재범, 디제이 펌킨, 명호형, 더블케이, 던밀스, 존박, 영준, 정인, 미우 등 리번 앨범에 참여해주신 동료들 너무 감사 드립니다. 뮤지션들의 음악도 많이 사랑해 주십시오.

2015. 9. 21
개리 올림

Kang Gary's sound engineer's sharing:

"Don’t know if it’s because I witnessed all of his hardships during these times, but after reading the album’s introduction, I teared up.
Doing only one thing in a long time required much more patience than you thought.
Moreover, keeping challenging one's own limit during those times is a true cruelty.
However still look forward to the joy behind it like a lunatic so will keep walking as if nothing happened.
A round of applause to all the sensitive and brilliant creators.."



[Translated by: mondaycouplefan_funny142]
Please take out with full credit

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